Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 huh?

So who else here thought when they were kids we'd have flying cars by 2010?? we were conned!! its certainly not the 2010 that Arthur C. Clarke envisioned (tho it seems Orwell was pretty spot on). Maybe its just me but 2010 still sounds like the future.. I guess that comes from watching way too much sci fi back in the 80s. Anyways, I digress.....

Ive never been one for writing blogs but today as i was driving up PCH i started thinking about the last 10 years and everything that has happened.. something occured to me.... the gig that kickstarted Lostprophets as we now know it was right there smack at the beginning of the decade.. February 3rd to be exact.

At the end of 1999 we had just finished the Fake Sound of Progress demo. We had spent somewhere in the region of a year writing and recording at frontline in caerphilly and that demo was the result. It was very different to the previous demos we had done in everyway possible. Recorded by stu, the tunes were massive,  it had a great little inlay designed by Ian, it was the blueprint for what we were to become.

I was putting on gigs in Cardiff around that time so i booked Earthtone9 to play the mighty bogiez and we were gonna play and use it to launch our demo. The rest of the bill was filled by cardiff ska punks Project Pigeon the mighty tripcage. Things were a little different back then. If it had been now, we probably would have self released it as an EP or something but we were 5 (jamie came later) poor kids from ponty so a couple of shoeboxes full of maxell c60s bought using my makro staff discount would have to do. I booked the bands, Ian designed the posters and a  T- Shirt, which if anyone has one of these theyre pretty damn rare, we only printed around 20 of them... actually i think i still have a poster in my nans attic, i'll have to dig it out. we paid some fella who had the monopoly on putting posters up in cardiff at the time.. who'd have thought it? we used to put all our own up, driving around in a car with wallpaper paste but this guy who got paid by all the clubs to put theirs up tore them down... nice one! I believe we went under the name of The New Noise Collective or something like that.. I did all the booking and stuff whilst in work using makros phones..ooops. I was refitting a store in birmingham at the time but spent half my days calling people trying to get us gigs or booking bands to play cardiff.

On the day of the gig i call Bogiez and speak to dungeon master (if youre from south wales and went to gigs in the 90s you know who im talking about.. legend.. master of the umba noise) to ask him what time to load in etc and he tells me that  the club has closed down.. no PA, stage torn down.. i call Clwb Ifor Bach, who in the past have never let us put on shows there, tell them the scoop and they were awesome and let us do the gig there.. My 2 house mates were equally awesome standing down by bogiez redirecting people to the welsh club. I cant remember much about playing that night, i just remember the vibe.. we had around 200 heads in and it was banging, people went off for all the bands and it felt like it was the start for us. we gave all our demos away, sold a couple of shirts and started the buzz around south wales.

That was almost 10 years ago.. February 3rd 2000. we start our next UK tour February 4th 2010.. 10 years and 1 day and 4 albums later... maybe im looking too deeply into it but i feel like that has some meaning. Back then we did everything ourselves and we've returned to that ethos with The Betrayed and its just as exciting now as it was 10 years ago. even more so in fact as i truly believe this is the best album we've done to date.

Its been a crazy decade for me as im sure it has for the other guys.. and its all been made possible by people supporting my band and im incredibly humbled by that and eternally grateful. Aside from my family this band is all that ive got.. im not a rich kid, i dont have an acting career and i certainly dont have a trustfund waiting for me. Thank you all once again. i do infact have another project in the pipeline and i'll tell more later, very excited....

...and speaking of family, 2009 was the most amazing year.. my daughter is the most incredible little thing. she'll be side of stage in feb in the little pink ear defenders..

So kiddies, if we believe the movies when i write my next blog in 2020 we'll then have flying cars, hover boards, replicants, game shows where we hunt criminals, all which will be irrelevant as we would all have died in a nuclear holocaust anyways..

I spent the millenium over chiplins house with all my mates chilling, i spent 2010 writing a blog.. never have been big on new years but i am very very excited for 2010.. battle ready, combat tested


Anonymous said...

Hopefully you play some shows in california.

Can't wait to hear what else you have going on to.

Anonymous said...

very inspiring, looking forward to seeing you in Feb in Nottingham.

Anonymous said...

Fake Sound was the soundtrack to my first years of high school, and when i think about me being sixteen or seventeeen i always remember me listening to your music on a Sony walkman or playing your CD loud as hell in my living room (my mom probably remembers you too, i guess). i followed you guys ever since, and i still think you're amazing. can't wait to see what you guys have in store next. Italy loves you, as always ;)

Jon Hammond said...

I remember seeing you play first on the bill to a handful of people at the concorde2 in brighton, headlining were earthtone9, what an amazing band. You guy blew everyone else off the stage apart from them. Still got the poster somewhere. When i saw you then i knew you'd be unstoppable, was lucky enough to be dancing onstage and singing along with you at the brighton pressure point with the other 6 people in the room while later, then a few months after that you hit. Went to the tonbridge wells forum and couldn't move for people. Was talking to your bassist outside when he stopped and asked a kid where the hell he's got his lostprophets hoodie, the kid said he'd made it himself. After that you guys we everywhere. I'd never seen such a hardworking band before. you deserve all you've had in the last 10 years, happy new year, here's to the next ten.

HannaKill said...

Lostprophets have always been an inspiration to me i just love your music everything about it seems magical. I am looking forward to buying your album when it comes out, i will be first in line for hmv! Thankyou LP!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant blog...
I regret not getting in to Lostprophets earlier than '06, but you are my favourite band and I do try to make up for it haha.

Anyway, congratulations on everything and all the best x

Unknown said...

Coming to see you in Feb when you play at Manchester, Can't wait! :)


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you at Rock City NOTTINGHAM x

Anonymous said...

Really good read! I know I'll sound like a lot of others on here, but seriously, FSOP is, and always will be, my favourite record from my favourite band, and I have loved every record ever since. I know that you guys now say your new album is the best yet, and I certainly have appreciated the evolution, but i can see from this that you never forget your roots, which is a really great thing to hear. I really hope to see a tour where you play a load of those classics again, not just one or two, for old times sake. But until then, looking forward to the new album immensely, and I'll see you guys in the sweaty throng that will be brixton in feb. 14th time seeing ya, 100th gig over all, and returning to the place where i first saw you back in feb 2004 :D!

Jude :)

Unknown said...

Nice one mikey. great should keep it up. It's really nice to be inside someone elses head for a change and see the same events but from a different perspective. It's the sort of stuff we ought to talk about but never get round to. Keep blogging, you've got a knack!

Count Natula said...

Wow, jealous of Jon Hammond, the Concorde 2 is my favourite venue; though much too small for you guys now! I'm also hoping by 2020 there will be heads in jars ala Futurama. Asking too much? Ho well...

Congrats on your daughter, must be a pretty proud moment playing with wife and daughter along to support you :)

Mariooo57 said...

I always remember when i've seen Last Train Home for the first time on MCM(i'm french)...since 2004, you're my favorite band, my inspiration and a part of my life.
Happy new year, let's go to the next ten. =)

Andrew said...

I'd love to know where my comment went haha.

Anyways, we are so proud of you Mike, along with the rest of the boys. Going from playing the Camden Barfly to Wembley and beyond is nothing short of awesome and I can't wait to see what else you guys have for instore for everyone.

Here is to your success and I hope you can take this as far as it can possibly go :o)

All the love

Andrew S / Lil Andy

Manoj said...

Lewis. This such an awesome piece of write. Really heartfelt and humble so many thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

I wish everybody in a "new" band and all the people who doubt lostprophets would read your entry, to discover how hard you have worked over the last decade. I'm lucky to have been there in your early days to see for myself the passion to suceed you guys have shown over the years.

I want to share my story and elaborate on some of the things you have said.

On the 25th and 26th August 2001, the boys played reading and leeds. I wasn't there but I was told by 4 different friends who saw the set, that it was something special and looking back, a pivotal gig for many people. It was so packed that day people couldn't get into the tent. i was told by these friends that if lps came my way I had to go and see them.

This opportunity came on the 4th September at tiny venue in Birmingham called the Irish Centre. I went there not had heard FSOP. In those days we had no myspace or youtube so I had to illegally download a couple or tracks from and audioglaxey.

That night I saw a band who were full of confidence and energy who believed in their songs. Not arrogance. Confidence. I had no idea that night would change my life. I spoke to you that night Mike and Chiplin and was taken aback and how genuine and down to earth you guys where. I think that night you were wearing a t shirt that said "damn! I'm good!" on it if my memory serves me right!

Back then lostprophets where part of a legitimate underground metal scene of bands who would play in every venue possible all around the UK. Bands like earthtone 9, pitchshifter, vacent stare, miocene, zero ciper, hell is for heroes, biffy clyro, kennedy soundtrack, kilkus and skindread to name but a few.

Everything was done word of mouth and truely diy as Mike has said.

This is why lostprophets hae stood the test of time. This work ethic and never settling for nothing but the best is something to be admired. I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.

I first saw lostprophets when I was 18 and I'm 26 now and have seen the band play everywhere and as many times as possible. I still get the same excitement as I did in 2001.

What this band has done for me and all of us is remarkable. Especially on a personally level for me recently. Mike knows what I mean...

Here's to another ten years!

Unknown said...

great post, Mike...yeah, im not much for the blogging either, but its a mood thing and when you got something to say you say it...i love reading what you guys write, shows personality, depth, character,and your dediciation as musicians. it also shows that you are a band compromised of friends, not 'rockstars' who i believe some have this fake mentality that mtv portrays or they become huge over night...etc...i digress. i can go on.
best wishes to you and your family and the band in 20X...i respect you all and your music a lot and hope you to see and meet you all one day and discuss not only your music but whatever else random comes onto to topic. one thing thats also rad about you lot is how personal you all are and you all sound intelligent and open to talking to anyone.
cheers and best, X
maria :) (Khubsoorat on t to the witter)